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The Wonderful Life of Aron

Me, me, and more me. What else is there to life?

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

I have some good news (at least to me it's good). Today I got fired from my work-study job with the college before I even started my first day there. My paycheck would of been $562.50 per semester. They decided I don't need the money anymore. It could be because my ACT scholarship just got passed and that's $650.00 a semester. YAY! Now I'm making about $90 more a semester and I don't have to work for it. Also with the work study, if my income would of raised at all I'd make less money, now with the ACT scholarship it doesn't change no matter what (well as long as I keep my grades up). Now I can get a job, earn even more money and not have to worry about working around my work studies hours or having it interfere with my families income. O Damn.

posted by Aron  # 4:12 PM (0) comments

Monday, August 25, 2003

I am now ready to start advertising my blog. Yay me!

posted by Aron  # 12:53 AM (0) comments

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Ok, now to start the real posts. I went to the Hart fair for the first time today. Went with Manda and Misty. It was very much fun! Saw a lot of my friends there, talked to Joni, Travis, Gabe, and April. I don't know what happened tonight but I actually opened up and acted somewhat like me for once. I'm proud of myself. I still think my bonfire group needs to hang out with me sometime when I'm with the Scooby Gang because then they'll see me make a total ass of myself. We played a dime game and Manda was the only one to win. After doing that and walking around like idiots we finally decided to get into the line to the demolition derby (with me being the only guy, it was not my idea, I've never been to one, didn't even know we were going tonight. It was all the girls). I made a really corny joke and Manda gave me the "what the hell" face and I don't know what it was about that face but she looked really really hot when she did that. There was one guy before the ummm... race(?) Misty told us that he was a pussy driver and didn't hit anyone until there were only about 2 cars left. I thought she might be exaggerating but they had to stop the race because of his pussiness. After the race Misty said something to him because he got his ass kicked in the race in the final round. She said something like "It's not as fun when you actually hit people is it?" Then he threatened to hit her. If he would have laid a finger on either one of the girls I would have kicked his ass. I'm not big but when I get pissed (and having an adult threatening a 16 year old girl contributes me getting pissed at him) I get an adrenaline rush and I can put up a good fight. I would probably get my ass kicked but I know I would be sticking up for a close friend and if he would have touched Manda it would be over right there. It takes a real man to pick a fight with a teenage girl.... Pussy. Sorry that just pisses me off when I "grown man" picks fights with teenage girls. That's wrong. Ok, back to happy chirpy me. Well not much happened after that, we went home. And how come your hats always look better on other people? Blah! O well. I had a busy day today. This morning I gave Rachel a ride to work because she needed a ride and I'm a good friend. Then after that I went to a welcome back for the weekend open house type thing. Some people that my family is friends with moved to England like 5-10 years ago. Heidi, the oldest daughter moved back here earlier in the year. Her mom and her sister came over about a week ago to visit. The family that Heidi is staying at hosted an open house type party for them. Heather (Heidi's sister) was a good friend of mine when I was younger. I was surprised to see her after all these years grown up. I expected it because I probably look grown up to her too but it was just odd. We knew them from our church and their father was our priest pastor minister person. After they moved our church replaced him with a dumbass (probably going to Hell for saying that) so we quit going to church. All the old church ladies recognized my sister immediately but not one of them recognized me. I'm sort of glad. Brooke and Brittany (the twins at our church) were so small last time I saw them. When I saw them today (they looked exactly the same) but they were huge! They were like 5'7"! Wow! When the Hell did everyone I used to know get so old! I'm going to be horrible when I get old. O well. I guess that's all for today, I've blabbered enough already.

posted by Aron  # 1:32 AM (0) comments

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Now on to "The History of Aron" - Volume IV, junior year through present day (may be a bit long). I started my junior year with the same mindset that I had at the end my sophomore year, I need a change. One day Montague had a power outage and I was thinking "What am I going to do today?!?!" Then BAM, in came my thought, I can dye my hair. O wait, I have a football game tomorrow for which I must play the drums in, o damn. Matt will get over it. I show up the next day with orange hair. Instantly Mr. Reed told me I had to wear a hat that night. Damn again. At the game it was sleeting and 20 degrees, everyone was freezing, but I had my hat on. After that the entire band wanted to dye their hair, its good to be warm. Because Montague had no power our football field had no power so we had to play our home game at Whitehall that day. That was actually pretty cool. In marching band that year I got forced to march bass drum. There goes me being pit king all four years of high school. I soon became known as the Thunder God though because my senior year I got moved to the biggest bass drum and I liked to play loud. Our show that year was West Side Stories. I didn't really like the show but it got us to state. In drumline I made it back to my beloved pit. Our show that year, and our second CD was Disney's Reflections of Earth. It wasn't really a bad show but I like all of our other shows better. It lacked something. I started center defense for the soccer team this year. We sucked again. My classes this year were Mrs. Patterson for government and economics, Mr. Reed for percussion, Ms. Snowden for English, Mr. Seaver for business and consumers math, Mr. Lawrence for computers/typing, Mr. Pascoe for chemistry, and Mrs. Coppess for ASH. Not really a lot happened that year except for having a different hair color every month. This year my best friend came out of the closet. Justin Peterson announced what I suspected for years, he was gay. It was odd, but the way I see it is he is the same person he was before he just has different tastes in people that I do. I'm probably going to get some religious people mad at me with this but I don't believe being gay is bad. It happens. If God thought being gay was really bad he wouldn't have made people gay if he really loves everyone as much as everyone says. You can tell with some people if they are going to be gay at birth, so that means people are most likely born gay, they can't help it. It's not like one day they wake up and say, "Oh, I'm going to go against what I feel just to be different and thus causing all homophobics to hate me, and causing me to be damned and go Hell, I think I'm going to pretend to like the same sex as mine. YAY!! It will be fun". That's just stupid. Ok, I'm done sticking up for my gay friends now, back to the history of my life. My senior year was fun, quick, and a lot happened. My classes were 1st hour Mr. Reed for percussion, 2nd hour Mrs. Coppess for psychology/sociology, 3rd hour Mrs. Cotter with English, 4th hour Mr. Rudat and ASH, 5th hour Mr. Leatrea for physics, 6th hour lunch, 7th hour Mrs. Hulce with Spanish (Espanol), and 8th hour Mr. Eslick and international studies. Everyone dreads international studies but I actually liked the class. It was hard and there was tons of homework but the class was fun and interesting. At the end of the year I learned how to cook in that class. We were doing a unit on India and he had us make Indian food and I was one of three cooks. Brad Diamond, Jeff Hawkins, and I made the food. Our marching band show that year was called Time Travel. Most of the songs came from Back to the Future, but one song, Perpetual Motion, who knows where that came from. I marched the big bass drum, the second biggest and heaviest instrument in the band (excluding the mallet percussion). I was the only senior in percussion. During marching band I started dating Sarah Cassidy. About a month and a half into our relationship we started to talk less, and I was going to talk to her and try to fix things. I tried looking for her before school, couldn't find her. Then after school she was running late so I couldn't talk to her then, and she gave me the dreaded note of death. For all you readers out there, don't dump someone in a letter, or over the phone, or on an answering machine (*cough Kara cough*), or in an email, and definitely not through someone else. Tell them yourself. If you supposedly care for them too much and you can't do it in person then why are you dumping them? Sorry, I'm still disappointed in the way I got dumped, she couldn't even tell me herself. Make it easier for her by making it harder for me. Say you care for me too much to do it to my face, obviously you don't care for me because you know damn well that writing a letter makes it harder on me. Ok, I'm done bitching again. I became good friends with a lot of new people this year. I quit caring what other people thought of me and just started doing what I wanted to do. A lot of the friends I made this year though I made through someone that got mad at me so now I'm back to the same friends I had before my senior year, but I don't care, those are my true friends. The people that stay friends with me no matter what. To all the people that still admit to being my friends, I love you all, your great friends. To the people that shun me for stupid reasons, I don't care, you were boring and did the same things all the time anyways. Wow, I'm a bitch today. In drumline this year I played the big bass drum again. Our show was Stained Glass and another really cool show. We got jipped out of being 1st in state because of one judge. All the other judges ranked us as 1st place but that one asshole ranked us as 4th, so we got 2nd. O well, I know that were better than Columbia. Drumline was really fun that year, the people are really cool. We placed in state every year in marching band and drumline, we were the first class to ever do this, hell we were the first class to place every year in marching band let alone drumline. This was the third year we made a CD for drumline. This year I played baseball again. I am horrible now, but it was still fun. I had to dye my hair back to a normal color for baseball and drumline state finals. I needed to dye my hair back to get a job anyways, but it is now the end of the summer and still no one has hired me anywhere. Haven't cut my hair since either so now I have long brown hair with blonde tips. Not soon enough July came meaning graduation! Because our school and soccer field were under construction (once again) we had to have our graduation in the gym. HOT! This time is supposed to be a great time, everyone loves graduation, you're out of high school! That was one of the worst days of my life. I was still constantly depressed and then my mom told me I should talk about it. I said the reason why I didn't talk about it and why I hid it behind a smile was because no one likes depressed people, people like happy people. I started to talk about it like my mom suggested and then we had this huge family argument and proved my point. It will take me awhile before I take advice from my mother again. Besides that some of the reasons causing my ickyness were with the few months before graduation my neighbor that was more of a grandma to me than my grandparents was moved to a nursing home because she was dying. Then my girlfriend dumps me in a letter. Then my other neighbor's dog that I got raised with and I loved it like it was my own dog died. Then right before graduation I started to like this girl, my ex-girlfriends best friend when we were dating. I ask her out and she tells me no. Then my ex finds out that I asked her out and didn't tell her. Name one guy that gets denied then brags about it. Sarah got extremely pissed at me because I'm not allowed to date any of her friends even though I was the one that got dumped. She got all of her friends pissed at me also. At the time all my friends (besides like 2 or 3) that I thought were true friends were her friends so I lost all my "friends". O well, this is the most fun I've had in one summer my entire life without them. I think I've managed. I eventually asked Manda out again and she said yes. Going on 2 months a little more than a week from now (the 2nd). Misty has hosted many bonfires this summer and the first one got me in trouble. My curfew is midnight, my mom called Misty's house a little after 4am. Oops. This year the revised "Scooby Gang" did a lot. The Scooby Gang consists of my sisters friends that I have become friends with also. We are having fun with pictures too. Some of the pictures (along with some of his own) are posted on my friend's website (http://www.geocities.com/funforkids96/). We "toured" White Lake on a boat we rented. I was the only one that would jump in, it's not like White Lake is polluted or something. The only thing that changed is now I seem to be growing a third eye in the back of my head. This summer has been the first time I've actually been happy in a long time. Great summer. I've made some new friends, kept some of the old. Mixed and matched until I found the perfect group. Early in the summer Amber Bronson moved to Ohio with her boyfriend/uncle and now has a baby boy Connor. Josh Bronson moved to New York with his mom. About half way through the summer Mrs. Dahl, (my grandma neighbor) died and my parents wouldn't tell me. I found out from the people that moved into her old house. I met those people about 2 weeks before he told me this. My mom thought I shouldn't know or something so I had to find out from someone I didn't even know. The stupid bitch ass cunt mother. She keeps fucking me over. I'm sick of her shit. Over the summer I decided I was going to either help out the percussion line in the marching band or help out the soccer team. I watched 2 band practices, was bored most of the time. I can't deal with Matt's sass anymore, I'm through with him. The varsity soccer coach offered me an assistant coaching position. By that time it was a hard decision whether to help the band or soccer..... Hmmm, I wonder which one I chose. I am currently undefeated as a coach. We play Whitehall Thursday, hopefully we can keep our winning streak going. I start college at Muskegon Community College (U of M - University of Muskegon) on the 2nd. I have psychology 201 Monday through Thursday at 9:05-10:00, PE 103 (weight training) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:10-12:10, astronomy 101 Monday through Thursday from 12:20-1:15, and English 101 Monday through Thursday from 1:25-2:20. Through all of my scholarships I have college completely paid for. One of my scholarships is now void because I already have college paid for and then some left over. Pay attention in class, do well on the MEAPs, do well on the ACTs, apply for every grant, financial aid, and scholarships possible (but don't pay to be put on a list, pay money to get money doesn't make sense), and be poor. It helps. I can't escape the construction. At all 3 schools that I've been to they have had construction my last year in it so I don't get the benefits from any of them. Guess what there going to be doing at MCC soon?!?!?! Re-doing the library or media center or something..... MORE CONSTRUCTION!!!! Why does God hate me? This is me up to date, and I shall keep you informed on my life from time to time. Until then, this is Aron Briggs, saying, "Good fight, good night!"

posted by Aron  # 1:07 PM (0) comments

Friday, August 22, 2003

Ok, next up "The History of Aron" - Volume III, half of high school. In 9th grade, my freshman year, I had the privilege of joining my sister again in a school. Freshmen are supposed to be intimidated by seniors and juniors, I knew all the juniors because of my sister and I kind of knew the seniors also because of her. I guess I had a fairly easy freshman year but it was still hard for me. After middle school I thought that's how the rest of my life in school was going to be so I started to become depressed but I always hid it behind a smile because no one likes sad people. I never saw a doctor so I was never diagnosed with anything but people just know some things, and if your not happy for 5-7 years straight, you might be depressed (I'm better now, no pity parties). This was the last year I tried out for the basketball team, but since I didn't make the team all through middle school (and I hated Mr. Vermulen and I let him know it) he cut me from the team (probably a little bit because I sucked, but I was better than some of the people that made the team). I went one on one with several players on the team and beat most of them. In marching band this year I was in the pit for most of the show. Our show was the Mexican show, don't remember what it was called. I marched cymbals for the last song. In drumline I was in pit again. Our show was Changing States. It was an awesome show, my favorite out of my 4 years in drumline. I missed our state competition this year because my flight back from Arizona got cancelled. Warren (our instructor) asked at the beginning of the year if anyone was going away for spring break and I said no because I didn't know I was leaving until Christmas. My parents, my Uncle Travis and my Aunt Sharon planned for my sister and I to go down to Arizona over spring break and they were going to tell us as a Christmas present. I was supposed to get back the day before state but my flight got cancelled because of a snowstorm in Michigan. Great. When we could finally fly back we left Arizona (90 degrees, sunny) to go home (snowstorm, negative degrees). Yeah, that was fun. Then later that year I went to Denmark with the Whirlwind Dancers. Every year we've been going down to Berea Kentucky, but this was completely different. I had a great time, met a lot of people, made a few friends, had a few flings. You know, the usual. Stayed there 3 weeks in four different towns. Our first city was probably the most fun for me. I stayed in two houses, switching every other night. In my first house I stayed with Henrietta, a tall pretty blonde, my second house with Maria, a shorter, girl-next-door-cute brunette. Can't get any better right? Well then I meet Christina, a small beautiful red head. Her way of introducing herself to me was "Hi, I'm Christina. Are you a virgin? I am". We got along too well, snuck out of my host family's house once to see her (and go skinny dipping). In that city I stayed with Nate, he still has no clue I snuck out once. In my second town I stayed with giants. I was 5'9"-5'10", not very short at all. I was the shortest person there. Josh was my roommate in this town. I stayed with Stig (pronounced Stee). He was fun. Third I stayed with Elsa and her twenty something year old son. He was fun. Staying with me this time was all 5 boys, Josh's mom(Patrice), and my mom. In the final town I stayed with 2 teenage girls, one around 9 year old boy, and one around 5 year old girl. The younger two didn't speak a word of English. That made it tons of fun especially when the 5 year old walked in on me in the bathroom. My roommates at that town were David and once again, (3 out of 4 towns), Nate. Why God why? I quit playing baseball and track this year but started defense on the school soccer team. For my classes this year I had Mrs. Cattellier for French and English, Mr. Gerard for geometry, Mr. Peterson for PE, Mr. Watt for percussion, and Mr. Rudat for science. Construction once again.... Yay me! 10th grade, my sophomore year, I started defense on the Varsity soccer team. Played in pit (out of choice) in marching band. Our show was awesome, it was Jesus Christ Superstar. Mr. Watt got fired. Warren taught band for the rest of marching band, that was awesome. Mrs. Wood took over after that, what fun! For drumline I was in pit again (out of choice again). Our show was Marching Season by Yanni and this is the first year we made a CD. This was another really good show. This year I took French II and one of our assignments is we had to teach a 2nd grade class French. I had Miss Guant's class. I was kind of worried, I didn't know a thing about elementary aged kids. I didn't know if they could wipe their own asses or not. We had fun and it was not bad. The kids were cool, they didn't stink, and they could wipe there own ass. My classes that year was Mrs. Cattellier for French II, Mr. Seaver for Algebra II, Mrs. Hester for English, Ms. Voights for biology, Mr. Hepworth for U.S. history, Mr. Watt/Warren Yaw/Mrs. Wood for percussion and Mr. Fiebig for ASH (Academic Support Hour, aka study hour). Mandatory ASH is a bad idea but the class was fun that year. Got to know Scott Liskey and Lupe Castello and got to know Amber Crow real well. No, nothing sexual you sick fucks. By the end of this year I knew I wanted to do something different but I wasn't quite sure what to do, I already had my weird shorts and I hate needles so no tattoos and no piercings, so what to do what to do..... To see the conclusion to this grand story, tune in tomorrow. Same place, same time. *crackle crackle* Static then complete silence.

posted by Aron  # 2:41 AM (0) comments

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Wow, I did all of that in one day.

posted by Aron  # 12:01 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

On to "The History of Aron" - Volume II, middle school life. 6th grade I started middle school at Nellie B. Chisholm middle school in Montague. That was HELL. I hated it, most of the teachers were horrible and the students became back stabbing stuck up bastards that only care for you if your last name matters or if your a 3rd generation Montague student. Didn't like middle school if you couldn't tell. That year I had Mrs. Vanwyck for science, Mr. Olsen for reading, Mrs. Hanna for social studies, Ms. Fisk/Mrs. Dawson for English, Mr. Watt for band, Mrs. Hunt for math and Mr. Olsen again for Wildcat Time (study hall). These teachers weren't that bad, Mrs. Felt was horrible and no one liked Mr. Olsen or Mr. Watt. This was the last year I learned anything new with percussion in band. I was playing from the 8th grade book by the end of the year, but Mr. Watt only liked girls so I had a low chair (plus I never cared enough to learned to play the bells). The only people that had lower chairs than I did were the rest of the males in the class. This year my sister was in 8th grade so I had all the "inside connections". I knew how to rip off the phone and make free phone calls, I knew what teachers to watch out for, I knew how to get away with a lot of things, and lastly I had many older friends and so I never had to worry about anyone's shit. My sister was dating Mike Hawkins this year. It was very ironic, I shared a locker with his younger brother, I shared 5 out of 7 (that's including Wildcat Time) classes with him plus lunch, and he was on my baseball team that year. The Hawkins' felt like a second family to me... Not really, almost though. 7th grade I had Ms. Pallay for PE, Mrs. Felt for English, Mr. Veeder for trans math, Slick Rick Anderegg for science, Mr. Watt for band, social studies and Wildcat Time with Mr. Whalen. That year played intramural basketball. Would of ran cross country (with this being the first year NBC had a cross country team) but Mr. Vermulen said I couldn't play club soccer and run cross. Not worth it. So in the spring I ran track. In baseball I was the best base runner on my team. I would get a walk (since I was really really short with no strike zone), then steal around the bases. When I joined track Ms. Pallay decided to make me run the mile, 880, 440 and occasionally the 220. So pretty much 4 times around the track, 2 times around, 1 time around, and sometimes 1 time around, not sprinting which I was good at. That year for my field event I did pole vault. That was fun. Now I joined the tech team. We made a cool rock, paper, scissors movie thing. It was nice. This year the Bronson's moved to Montague and I instantly became friends with Josh Bronson. His sister Amber quickly became friends with my sister. We had many drunken parties over at their house, they were my bad influences at the time. In 8th grade I had PE with Mr. Byard, Quest with Mrs. Hanna, English with Ms. Snowdin, Science with Maren's mom... Mrs. Bush, civics with Mr. Vermuelen, Mr. Watt with band, Mr. Jackson for Algebra, and Mrs. Plewka for Wildcat Time. Mr. Jackson was so fun, he was a moron. Once he glued the case of a calculator to a clip board because people were stealing his calculators. I walked up there, took the calculator out of its case and asked him what if someone did that? He told me to sit down. We had "contracts" in his class and if you didn't get in trouble at all that week and had an unmarked contract you got five entries into the weekly drawing of a Sprite or Coke or Pepsi. Whenever he signed my contract I just got a new one. Loved outsmarting him, though it was so easy. Was once again in track, basketball, and tech team. Threw shot for my field event in track this year. That was pretty fun. In about 7th or 8th grade Joe's friends convinced him that it was uncool to hang out with kids younger than him so I stopped hanging out with him. In 8th grade they stopped giving out detentions and started giving out demerits. Stupidest thing they've ever done. I got lots of demerits because there was really no punishment like detention (an hour wasted). Once again my school became under construction in 8th grade. Never had a class in the new school, graduated to high school. Why do I suck? Some time in middle school we got our dog Sandy Sue. She's a mutt. The past owners said she is part golden retriever, part lab, but I think she has other things in her, I think she might have some terrier or something in her. I heart my dog. She's my bestest of best friends. I guess that's all that really happened in middle school. Aron Briggs signing off from WMYCOMPUTER RADIO, saying good bye and good night!

posted by Aron  # 10:04 PM (0) comments
(Continued from earlier post)

Second grade came and went, nothing really happened that year. I had Mrs. Vandervelde, another cute teacher. Our classroom was known for having The Loft. Third grade I had Mr. Sawin and Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Hill suggested to my mother that I might have ADD, don't know what she's talking abou... ooo look, a spoon!! Mr. Sawin taped me to my desk one day, then we had a fire drill, my classmates had to carry me out of the class in my desk, thankfully I was the shortest kid in our class, almost the school. One day on our way in from recess I got into a fight with Martin Kropt. He was being an asshole so I pushed him, he pushed me back. This lasted a while until I pushed him into one of those big art sinks and he fell into it and everyone laughed at him. Then when get got up he punched me right as Mr. Sawin walked into the bathroom. I didn't fight back anymore, we both got sent to the office. He got suspended and I received an "it probably wasn't your fault." That summer I met Tiffany and Katrina Temburg. Josh started dating Tiffany and I started dating Katrina. Summer ended and so did the fling. 4th grade I had Mrs. Hallack as my teacher. After lunch if you stay and help the janitors clean instead of going to recess you get a big cookie at the end of the week. I would stay and then miss about an hour of class during reading time because Mr. Hallack, my teacher's husband, was the janitor. I read the books on my own time. This year is when they finished remodeling the elementary school, a trend that will haunt me for the rest of my life. 5th grade I had Mr. Sawin again and I started to become quiet, I was the class clown. Our class was the first to have 5th grade in the elementary school, so we were the oldest in the school two years in a row, making a clear division between our class and the class of 2004. This year I started playing soccer, started a lot later than most people I play with now, started when I was 10. Didn't play much this year, but I learned quickly. I started out playing midfield, played midfield until high school. It all changed there, but that story is coming soon. In 5th grade joined "The New Morris Team". We were a group of kids who performed old folk dances and morris dances. Morris dancing is sweet! Every March or April after this first year we would go down to Berea Kentucky to perform in the Mountain Folk Festival. Our first year down in Kentucky there was a tornado. Because this was our first year there we became known as the dancers that brought the tornado. Our name soon changed to the Whirlwind Dancers, (get it?!?!) We started out with about 40-50 kids and the numbers slowly dwindled. The few that are left (about 10 people) have perfected the art of dancing (well most of us, all three of us that were original members are naturally the best and true leaders. I think Carol did something to teach us to be successful. Among the remaining members we are now a soccer coach, the captain of the cheerleading squad, going to respectable colleges, and being successful in the less popular colleges. Our few high school students left are successful in there areas. Some time in my years of elementary school I got a pet rabbit named Rosey. My sister and I fed her table scraps. She died from being too fat, but she died happy and full. One of my closest friends also died in this time. Corky Freeman. My dog that lived at my neighbor's house. She was my dog, not theirs. In these 7 years of elementary school I'm sure a lot more happened but this is all that I can think of at the moment, might make another entry at the end of "The History of Aron" chronicles. Until next time, this is Aron Briggs, reporting live from my computer. Stay tuned for the next episode and don't touch that dial!

posted by Aron  # 5:07 PM (0) comments
Welcome to "The History of Aron" - Volume I, birth through elementary school, if you're just tuning in I'll fill you in on what has happened so far.... I was born. Now on to the main story. I was born to a nice family, Mom, Dad, and my sister Katie, all which I really love. Most siblings fight a lot, not us, Kate has always been one of my best friends. Don't know what I would do without her. Pre-elementary school I had a speech impediment, then my parents made the mistake of sending me to a speech therapist, now I can talk. The way I see it is I could speak fine, I just couldn't speak English. Joe Doney lived two houses down from me so we became friends. We would play "Guns" and "Guys", aka war games and GI Joes. Spent many days over at his house. We stayed really close friends through elementary school and the beginning of middle school, but that's the next episode. Then I started pre-school, became good friends with Carl Walters, haven't seen him since. "Real school" started and all I wanted to do was learn how to read. Didn't learn that till 1st grade, I got jipped. I went to elementary school at Oehrli Elementary school in Montague Michigan. When I was younger I was very athletic and played baseball and basketball through middle school (but my sister could still kick my ass, she was beastly tough). I met Mrs. Cudney, my young-5's teacher. I was going to marry her until she yelled at me for putting a whole pack of Shark Bites into my mouth (Greg dared me, I had to). She yelled at me so I got mad at her and broke off the engagement. At this time my mom was babysitting and one of the kids she babysat was Kendra Bolach (Hartung). In kindergarten I started dating her and received my first kiss. Young love, how sweet. Kindergarten I had Mrs. Miller and she had a pet rabbit in her classroom, I am quite the animal person and it was a lot of fun. Upon reaching 1st grade I had Ms. Gaunt for a teacher, mmmmm. Our class was out in the portable and the bathrooms are connected to the portables out there. One day I was singing "Hello Ladybug" while doing my business and I got in trouble for disrupting the class. Boy was I an awesome kid. I quickly learn how to read and get put into an advanced placement reading class. I was really smart, what happened? I frequently helped my dyslexic sister read, I felt smart teaching my sister (who is two years older than me) how to read. Through all this time in elementary school I was one of the "popular" people that I despise now. During this year Josh Trusty moved to Montague and I immediately become friends with him. We were retarded together. My class read Indian and the Cupboard and I loved that book. I cried when the coyboy got shot. (Shut up, I also cried every time I watched My Girl). This is Aron Briggs, I will return after a few words from our sponsors.

posted by Aron  # 3:46 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Ok, I've been sucked into the mad world of Blogness, so this is my first post. What can I say, I got bored. The next few posts are just going to be a brief history of my life before I start my complaining, unless I really need to complain about something or something's on my mind that needs posting. I guess that's it for today.

posted by Aron  # 5:11 PM (0) comments


08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003   09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003   10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003   11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003   12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004   01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004   02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004   03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004   06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004   09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004   02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006  

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