Ok, now to start the real posts. I went to the Hart fair for the first time today. Went with Manda and Misty. It was very much fun! Saw a lot of my friends there, talked to Joni, Travis, Gabe, and April. I don't know what happened tonight but I actually opened up and acted somewhat like me for once. I'm proud of myself. I still think my bonfire group needs to hang out with me sometime when I'm with the Scooby Gang because then they'll see me make a total ass of myself. We played a dime game and Manda was the only one to win. After doing that and walking around like idiots we finally decided to get into the line to the demolition derby (with me being the only guy, it was not my idea, I've never been to one, didn't even know we were going tonight. It was all the girls). I made a really corny joke and Manda gave me the "what the hell" face and I don't know what it was about that face but she looked really really hot when she did that. There was one guy before the ummm... race(?) Misty told us that he was a pussy driver and didn't hit anyone until there were only about 2 cars left. I thought she might be exaggerating but they had to stop the race because of his pussiness. After the race Misty said something to him because he got his ass kicked in the race in the final round. She said something like "It's not as fun when you actually hit people is it?" Then he threatened to hit her. If he would have laid a finger on either one of the girls I would have kicked his ass. I'm not big but when I get pissed (and having an adult threatening a 16 year old girl contributes me getting pissed at him) I get an adrenaline rush and I can put up a good fight. I would probably get my ass kicked but I know I would be sticking up for a close friend and if he would have touched Manda it would be over right there.
It takes a real man to pick a fight with a teenage girl.... Pussy. Sorry that just pisses me off when I "grown man" picks fights with teenage girls. That's wrong. Ok, back to happy chirpy me. Well not much happened after that, we went home. And how come your hats always look better on other people? Blah! O well. I had a busy day today. This morning I gave Rachel a ride to work because she needed a ride and I'm a good friend. Then after that I went to a welcome back for the weekend open house type thing. Some people that my family is friends with moved to England like 5-10 years ago. Heidi, the oldest daughter moved back here earlier in the year. Her mom and her sister came over about a week ago to visit. The family that Heidi is staying at hosted an open house type party for them. Heather (Heidi's sister) was a good friend of mine when I was younger. I was surprised to see her after all these years grown up. I expected it because I probably look grown up to her too but it was just odd. We knew them from our church and their father was our priest pastor minister person. After they moved our church replaced him with a dumbass (probably going to Hell for saying that) so we quit going to church. All the old church ladies recognized my sister immediately but not one of them recognized me. I'm sort of glad. Brooke and Brittany (the twins at our church) were so small last time I saw them. When I saw them today (they looked exactly the same) but they were huge! They were like 5'7"! Wow! When the Hell did everyone I used to know get so old! I'm going to be horrible when I get old. O well. I guess that's all for today, I've blabbered enough already.