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The Wonderful Life of Aron

Me, me, and more me. What else is there to life?

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

On to "The History of Aron" - Volume II, middle school life. 6th grade I started middle school at Nellie B. Chisholm middle school in Montague. That was HELL. I hated it, most of the teachers were horrible and the students became back stabbing stuck up bastards that only care for you if your last name matters or if your a 3rd generation Montague student. Didn't like middle school if you couldn't tell. That year I had Mrs. Vanwyck for science, Mr. Olsen for reading, Mrs. Hanna for social studies, Ms. Fisk/Mrs. Dawson for English, Mr. Watt for band, Mrs. Hunt for math and Mr. Olsen again for Wildcat Time (study hall). These teachers weren't that bad, Mrs. Felt was horrible and no one liked Mr. Olsen or Mr. Watt. This was the last year I learned anything new with percussion in band. I was playing from the 8th grade book by the end of the year, but Mr. Watt only liked girls so I had a low chair (plus I never cared enough to learned to play the bells). The only people that had lower chairs than I did were the rest of the males in the class. This year my sister was in 8th grade so I had all the "inside connections". I knew how to rip off the phone and make free phone calls, I knew what teachers to watch out for, I knew how to get away with a lot of things, and lastly I had many older friends and so I never had to worry about anyone's shit. My sister was dating Mike Hawkins this year. It was very ironic, I shared a locker with his younger brother, I shared 5 out of 7 (that's including Wildcat Time) classes with him plus lunch, and he was on my baseball team that year. The Hawkins' felt like a second family to me... Not really, almost though. 7th grade I had Ms. Pallay for PE, Mrs. Felt for English, Mr. Veeder for trans math, Slick Rick Anderegg for science, Mr. Watt for band, social studies and Wildcat Time with Mr. Whalen. That year played intramural basketball. Would of ran cross country (with this being the first year NBC had a cross country team) but Mr. Vermulen said I couldn't play club soccer and run cross. Not worth it. So in the spring I ran track. In baseball I was the best base runner on my team. I would get a walk (since I was really really short with no strike zone), then steal around the bases. When I joined track Ms. Pallay decided to make me run the mile, 880, 440 and occasionally the 220. So pretty much 4 times around the track, 2 times around, 1 time around, and sometimes 1 time around, not sprinting which I was good at. That year for my field event I did pole vault. That was fun. Now I joined the tech team. We made a cool rock, paper, scissors movie thing. It was nice. This year the Bronson's moved to Montague and I instantly became friends with Josh Bronson. His sister Amber quickly became friends with my sister. We had many drunken parties over at their house, they were my bad influences at the time. In 8th grade I had PE with Mr. Byard, Quest with Mrs. Hanna, English with Ms. Snowdin, Science with Maren's mom... Mrs. Bush, civics with Mr. Vermuelen, Mr. Watt with band, Mr. Jackson for Algebra, and Mrs. Plewka for Wildcat Time. Mr. Jackson was so fun, he was a moron. Once he glued the case of a calculator to a clip board because people were stealing his calculators. I walked up there, took the calculator out of its case and asked him what if someone did that? He told me to sit down. We had "contracts" in his class and if you didn't get in trouble at all that week and had an unmarked contract you got five entries into the weekly drawing of a Sprite or Coke or Pepsi. Whenever he signed my contract I just got a new one. Loved outsmarting him, though it was so easy. Was once again in track, basketball, and tech team. Threw shot for my field event in track this year. That was pretty fun. In about 7th or 8th grade Joe's friends convinced him that it was uncool to hang out with kids younger than him so I stopped hanging out with him. In 8th grade they stopped giving out detentions and started giving out demerits. Stupidest thing they've ever done. I got lots of demerits because there was really no punishment like detention (an hour wasted). Once again my school became under construction in 8th grade. Never had a class in the new school, graduated to high school. Why do I suck? Some time in middle school we got our dog Sandy Sue. She's a mutt. The past owners said she is part golden retriever, part lab, but I think she has other things in her, I think she might have some terrier or something in her. I heart my dog. She's my bestest of best friends. I guess that's all that really happened in middle school. Aron Briggs signing off from WMYCOMPUTER RADIO, saying good bye and good night!

posted by Aron  # 10:04 PM
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