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The Wonderful Life of Aron

Me, me, and more me. What else is there to life?

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Yesterday was my first day of college.... yay. Yesterday was also two months with Manda! I love you! Ok, that was fun. Back to school. In my psychology class I have Sarah Cook and Andrea Wilkenson in my class, Sarah's cool, don't get along with Andrea. I don't know anyone in my PE class but the professor seems cool so I think the class is going to be nice. In astronomy I have Audra Irey in my class, I get along with her so no problem there. In my English class I have Hana Lorenz and Megan McCarthy in my class. There both fun so not a problem again. My English professor want's us to refer to her by her name, Jenny not Jen or Jennifer, but Jenny. She looks and acts like a Jenny. A tall, blonde, beautiful, early 20's, ditz. Her boyfriend's lucky I love my girlfriend (Manda's much prettier anyways), because I would take her away from him! My soccer game tommorrow is going to be stupid because Ken favors football over soccer, FUCK YOU KEN!! YEAH I SAID IT! FUCK YOU!!!! bastard.... The football team has what 4 home games.... soccer has 8 home games, twice as much! Sorry, I'm sick of getting screwed over by Ken and the football team. It happened all the time with me, soccer, band.... You name it, I got screwed. My game is a home game.... on Whitehall's field..... after Whitehall plays their game... i hate football and most of the players on the team and the coach, the only reason I go to the football games is because I get in for free for being a coach and to see the band and my friends. At the last football game I think I saw one touchdown (including all of Manistee's touchdowns). Well I've written a lot already, I'm done for now.

posted by Aron  # 9:18 PM
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