WE KICKED WHITEHALL'S ASS IN FOOTBALL!!!!! I didn't go to the game (because of the rain and coldness, what can I say, I'm a puss), but I heard about it (plus I didn't see any football players at the Montague-Whitehall soccer game). We won 50-27. The bell stays with us! May the legacy (and the bell) stay with us always.
Oh! And one other thing while I'm here. I can still play for the high school's indoor soccer team!!!! YAY! It doesn't matter what grade your in it matters how old you are, and I'm still young enough! I realized I'll be the oldest person on the team and I'll be a freshman. Granted I'm a freshman in college, but who pays attention to details anyways. But YAY! I'm excited!
And one last thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!
BAM! It happened. It's so odd. I feel so weird. I'll never tell you what the change was! You'll have to see for yourself!!! It was a big change, like 3-4 inches worth of change! I'm just kidding, I'll tell you the change, I finally got my hair cut. It was up to 4 inches and the end of it was blonde from the last time I dyed my hair (during
Winter Drumline). I kind of miss it. I look and feel so weird. No blonde, no long hair, I don't mind it, it's not neccissarily bad, but it's different. That's all, I'm done.
My plan can't go down today.... :-( Hopefully tommorrow, (Tuesday).
I think it's all going down tommorrow (tommorrow being Monday). Booya!
Change is coming, people who see me regularly, (well actually just once in a while will work) should notice it. That's all I'll say for now.
Hat's off to the victims of 9-11. Here's my own moment of silence...................................................................................................................
Yesterday was my first day of college.... yay. Yesterday was also two months with Manda! I love you! Ok, that was fun. Back to school. In my psychology class I have Sarah Cook and Andrea Wilkenson in my class, Sarah's cool, don't get along with Andrea. I don't know anyone in my PE class but the professor seems cool so I think the class is going to be nice. In astronomy I have Audra Irey in my class, I get along with her so no problem there. In my English class I have Hana Lorenz and Megan McCarthy in my class. There both fun so not a problem again. My English professor want's us to refer to her by her name, Jenny not Jen or Jennifer, but Jenny. She looks and acts like a Jenny. A tall, blonde, beautiful, early 20's, ditz. Her boyfriend's lucky I love my girlfriend (Manda's much prettier anyways), because I would take her away from him! My soccer game tommorrow is going to be stupid because Ken favors football over soccer, FUCK YOU KEN!! YEAH I SAID IT! FUCK YOU!!!! bastard.... The football team has what 4 home games.... soccer has 8 home games, twice as much! Sorry, I'm sick of getting screwed over by Ken and the football team. It happened all the time with me, soccer, band.... You name it, I got screwed. My game is a home game.... on Whitehall's field..... after Whitehall plays their game... i hate football and most of the players on the team and the coach, the only reason I go to the football games is because I get in for free for being a coach and to see the band and my friends. At the last football game I think I saw one touchdown (including all of Manistee's touchdowns). Well I've written a lot already, I'm done for now.