I don't put these "quizilla quizzes" thingies into my blog/blurty ever, but this one was fitting to I decided to put it into my post.

You are one of the few out there whose wings are
ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
just testing my comments, all 11 from an earlier post copied over to the newer one, dont know why. im seeing if it will do it again
Ok, finally got my comments back up. I was running my commenter through Blogspeak, and Blogspeak went out of business and was sold to Haloscan, if anything's different, sorry, deal with it. So now I'm using Haloscan, they transferred my messages (although it appears not all of them show up to most users, but they do to me), so I'm pretty happy for the most part. (If you are reading my Blurty not my Blog, disregard this paragraph).
Ok, things that have happened since December 15th.... Hmmm, a lot happened:
My sister spent Christmas in England with one of her friend's family. It was nice having her gone.
Christmas was, ummm... interesting. I got some pretty neat stuff. Finally got a DVD player (besides the ones on my computers). Our family now has about 10 DVD's, including: Chicago, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, Moulin Rouge, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Shanghai Knights, Spaceballs, and X2: X-Men United. Also got a nice big new CD player for my room, 5-disk, remote, alarm clock, sleep timer, extreme treble and bass, detached and movable speakers, a lot of fun stuff for a poor boy like myself. I also got a lot of candy, still working on it. Got a few calendars. Got a couple of nifty toys. Got a sweater and a manicure set from my aunts and uncles (I'm convinced they think I'm gay). Also got a watch and some boxers. Kinda got a new tire, replacing it came out of my Christmas presents. Got a new mouse pad and compressed air too. Got some cologne from Manda, think she's trying to tell me I stink... Haha, just kidding. Got lottery tickets from her mom, won $11.00. My mom made me spend that on buying more lottery tickets, I bought $11.00 worth of tickets... Won $1.00. Manda's mom bought me and Manda a $35.00 gift certificate thing to Olive Garden. Ok, now on to the not so great part. Our family were all at my grandma's house and my Uncle Rodger was running late (like always). He's never later than 2 hours, also considering after one hour of waiting we left a message on his voice mail. We called him again, still no answer. Two of my other uncles decided to stop by his house to see what's up. The found him dead, he had a heart attack earlier that day while wrapping presents. Experienced my first funeral and procession and everything. Not too fun. Saw some of my uncles crying, never thought I would see that. At the funeral I sat in the third row, behind his ex-wife and my uncle that was crying the most. The funeral probably wouldn't of been that bad if I didn't sit directly behind them. I later found out that this ex-wife was planning on leaving her current husband to pursue my uncle again. She didn't tell anyone until after the funeral. He didn't even know. I did get to see my aunt and uncle from Arizona though, they stayed here until January 2nd or 3rd (when Kate got back).
On New Year's Eve/Day I went over to Manda's house. Taylor was there when I got there, and I'm still wondering what shrimp's shell tastes like, should ask her. After we ate, Taylor left and then we started watching Lord of the Rings (since she's never seen it until then).
January 2nd Manda and I celebrated 6 months. Yay! We went to Olive Garden to spend our gift card from her mom. I left the card in the envelope thing, she thought I grabbed it, I had a gut feeling to grab some money, feeling was right.
Started School again on January 7th. Have history with Kathy Tosa from 9:05-10:00. Signed up not knowing anyone in the class. Ended up knowing most of the people in there. People that went to Montague and are in the class are: Dustin Walters, Sean Wedberg, Christine Horn, Meghan Westra, and Katie Grinwis. I know Ester Yoder through her brother, Gabe. I played soccer with him. I know Samantha Jo Buist and David Arnouts from my psychology class last semester, Paul Garzelloni from my weigh lifting class, and Chris Sikkenga from my sister's plays. Kinda know Kristin Kartes from Whitehall, not real well though, more like an acquaints. Philosophy I knew I was going to have Phil Drake in my class. In that class I also know Chris Briggs from my English class, someone I played teeball with, Ricky Proctor, and a twin of someone I met. Glad I didn't say anything to her, would of made an ass out of myself. I didn't know anyone going into my English class. I ended up knowing Earl Cabala with whom I played soccer with, Chris Briggs (again) and Nick Tejema from my English class. Nick was also in my psychology class. Also in my class is Karie Stark (graduated a year before me) and the older Winters brother.... Travis? No, that's the younger one... Oh well. The one that's not the father of Jill's baby. There's one other person, but I can't remember. In my bowling class is Dave Luzzater, Sarah Fekken, Katie Briggs, and Phil Drake as planned, also in my class is Stephanie Botbuile (not sure on the spelling). Only kind of know her. Not too well. Someone that was in my English class (Can't remember his name, something weird) is also in my class. I think it's going to be a fun year.
Got sucked into going to a few of the pep band basketball games. Gone to three so far. They're not playing Wipe Out anymore, but they're playing Zoot Suit Riot and one other new one, it's late, I can't remember. Well it's 12:16 now, I guess I should go to bed. If I think of anything to add I'll put it in a comment or something. Hold on Rachel, I'll put this into my blurty later. But I will do it.